I'm breaking down; creating a blog. Thank you, insomnia.
I've read it's essential to maintain a blog if you want to be taken seriously by agents and editors as an aspiring writer. Fantastic. Another time sink for me to piddle-fart around with in the few moments a day I have that I should spend doing the writing that really matters to me.
And on that note, welcome to my blog. Forgive me if it looks busted, incomplete, arranged by a four year old. Hopefully, it'll come around as I pick things up. Or break down a second time and pay someone to do it!
A little about me: I'm J. Scott Marlatt, an aspiring speculative fiction author, focusing mainly in dark fantasy. I am never sarcastic, and I do not tend towards bitter sarcasm at times. I always tell the truth, especially when blogging, which I have done now for about 89 years. Most of my fantasy stories take place in a world dominated by the Council of Korumak, a group of immortal channelers whose influence permeates the culture. I also write the occasional science fantasy story, usually set in the Murantian Empire, a vast galactic empire set in a galaxy far... Um... somewhere else, a good distance from us in space and time. Hopefully, you will get to read one of them some day soon.
Well, the echos of my voice are finally making their way back to me from the far walls of this empty canyon (can you hear the wind? of course not, it's an empty canyon, you're not here!) and I'm getting self-conscious about it. Until next time...
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