Thursday, November 8, 2012

Oh, November...

You're gonna kill me, November.

I'm doing National Novel Writing Month  (NaNoWriMo) this month for the first time.  For those that don't know, it's an event where the main goal is to write 50,000 words of a novel during the month of November, 1667 words per day.

You're supposed to start with a brand new novel, but as finishing works is my biggest problem thus far, I've decided to just write 50,000 in the book I'm already working on.  If I meet the goal, I should only have 25,000 or so left to finish it after November.

Unfortunately, I've been having migraine after migraine the past weeks as the seasons change.  I didn't get started on the writing until the 4th day (5th day by the website since I usually finish writing for the day after midnight, when they go on to the next day).  So, not only am I trying to write more in a month than I ever have (I think), I'm starting off in the hole.  I had another migraine last night, which knocked me out of commission for most of today, as well.  (Please realize that if I'm posting at 4am, today means to me what yesterday means to most!)  I'd hoped to do some catching up today; I did, but not nearly as much as I'd hoped.

So, if you see me (and if you case, i suppose), please give me some words of encouragement.  I'm going to be needing it later in the month I'm sure.

And don't be one of those tough love, motivate-through-derision types, because I'll probably punch you in the dick.  Right in the dick.

1 comment:

  1. Fortunately I am immune to your threats! -- But, no derision anyway. I did NaNoWriMo last year, and it's worth it. The time crunch forced me to discover some things about my writing process that have helped me out. And 5 days behind is not insurmountable, since you know your characters and story arc. So go for it! But I hope those migraines go away.
