Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Almost there...

Well, I spent a good deal of Nov-Feb sick, and then catching up at work from being sick, so this blog and my writing have been seriously neglected this winter.  I'm finally getting caught up at work (big ol' knock on wood), so I should really pick up again with the writing soon *crosses fingers* -- pretty impressive while typing.

It's been extremely frustrating not having the time to write.  I've managed only 50.5 hours of writing/editing so far this year (mostly editing), far below my goal of 10 hrs/week of ass-in-seat time this year.  I've got a lot of ground to make up in the rest of 2013.  Hopefully things keep going well... I hate to say it, but not being able to write has been making me very grumpy (far more than the usual level of grumpiness).

My original plan, before this damned winter, was to have the first draft of Bessitta completed well before now.  I abandoned my plans to begin submitting chapters to the writing group only after the first draft was finished; however, so the initial review process has started, at least.  My new goal is to have the first draft completed before the Writing Excuses retreat in June.  Hopefully, I can get back into the groove and get it pounded out quickly.

I've also changed my plans about what to move on to after the draft is finished.  Originally, I had planned to move on to a completely different work after this draft, so I could have different works to circulate to agents/editors instead of two books in the same series.  Now, I'm thinking I'll move on to books two and three when the first is done.  Once the first is polished, I'll start submitting it.  If no one's picked it up by the time the first draft of book 3 is finished, I'll start prepping the trilogy to be self-published.  That's the plan for now, but I'm sure it will change several more times between now and then. 

Here's to the best laid plans of cats and men.  (I don't think mice really plan anything, but I'm certain cats do.)


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